At this moment, the coming weekend, next week, next month, next year, time thereafter....
may the God of hope fill you, (you the Reader, your family, your friends and your enemies) with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. Rom 15:13
GOD was maande besig om my te oorwin tot Sy koningkryk en glo my, gee jy gehoor aan Sy woord en wil, dan kan jy nie anders as om die pad van geloof te wandel nie. Ek het werklikwaar ervaar dat GOD lankmoedig is; HY WIL/WOU my besit, in liggaam, siel en verstand, op sy tyd, en hoe wonderlik het Hy dit nie aan my geopenbaar nie!
Friday, 24 May 2013
Wees oorvloedig in die hoop deur die krag van die Heilige Gees!
Op hierdie oomblik, hierdie komende naweek, volgende week, volgende maand, volgende jaar, tyd daarna....
mag die God van die hoop julle ( jou die leser, jou familie, jou vriende en jou vyande) vervul met alle blydskap en vrede deur die geloof, dat julle oorvloedig kan wees in die hoop deur die krag van die Heilige Gees! Rom 15:13
For by grace you are saved
Brothers and sisters, children of GOD; know this;
For by grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them (Eph 2:8-10)
For by grace you are saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them (Eph 2:8-10)
Want uit genade is julle gered
Broeders en susters, kinders van GOD; weet dit;
Want uit genade is julle gered, deur die geloof, en dit nie uit julleself nie: dit is die gawe van God; nie uit die werke nie, sodat niemand mag roem nie. Want ons is sy maaksel, geskape in Christus Jesus tot goeie werke wat God voorberei het, sodat ons daarin kan wandel. (Eph 2:8-10)
Want uit genade is julle gered, deur die geloof, en dit nie uit julleself nie: dit is die gawe van God; nie uit die werke nie, sodat niemand mag roem nie. Want ons is sy maaksel, geskape in Christus Jesus tot goeie werke wat God voorberei het, sodat ons daarin kan wandel. (Eph 2:8-10)
Thursday, 23 May 2013
Faith like the Centurion (Luk 7:1-10)
Luk 7:7 .....but say in a word, and my servant shall be healed.
A determined , passionate, hart driven out cry to Jesus for mercy as shown by the Blind man Jericho (Luk 18:35-43)
Luk 18:38-39 And he cried, saying, Jesus, Son of David! Have mercy on me. And they who were in front rebuked him that he should be quiet. But he cried so much the more, Son of David! Have mercy on me.
THAT brings Jesus to a stand still, THAT amazes Him, THAT captures the heart of Jesus and GOD!!!
Luk 7:9 And hearing these things, Jesus marveled at him. And turning to the crowd following Him, He said, I say to you, I have not found such faith, no, not in Israel.
Luk 18:40 Then Jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him. When he came near, Jesus asked him,
Geloof soos die Hoofman oor Honderd (Luk 7:1-10)
Luk 7:7 ....sê dit maar met ‘n woord, en my kneg sal gesond word.;
Geditermineerde, passievolle, hartgedrewe uitroepe na Jesus vir hulp soos die en die Blinde man van Jerigo (Luk 18:35-43)
Luk 18:38-40...Toe roep hy uit en sê: Jesus, Seun van Dawid, wees my barmhartig! En die wat voor loop, bestraf hom dat hy moet stilbly. Maar hy het al harder uitgeroep: Seun van Dawid, wees my barmhartig!
DIT laat Jesus tot stilstand kom, DIT verstom Hom, DIT gryp die hart van Jesus en GOD aan!!!
Luk 7:9 Toe Jesus dit hoor, was Hy oor hom verwonderd, en Hy draai Hom om en sê vir die skare wat Hom volg: Ek sê vir julle, selfs in Israel het Ek so ‘n groot geloof nie gevind nie.
Luk 18:40 En Jesus het gaan staan en bevel gegee dat hy na Hom gebring moes word; en toe hy naby kom, vra Hy hom
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Mat 1:21 And she shall bear a son, and you shall call His name JESUS: for He shall save His people from their sins.
Joh 14:6 Jesus said to him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father but by Me.
1Ti 2:5-6 For God is one, and there is one Mediator of God and of men, the Man Christ Jesus, (6) who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
Act 4:12 And there is salvation in no other One; for there is no other name under Heaven given among men by which we must be saved.
Joh 14:6 Jesus said to him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father but by Me.
1Ti 2:5-6 For God is one, and there is one Mediator of God and of men, the Man Christ Jesus, (6) who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
Act 4:12 And there is salvation in no other One; for there is no other name under Heaven given among men by which we must be saved.
Friday, 17 May 2013
Revelations 5 - Events in Heaven
After these things
Rev. 4:1 After these things I looked, and behold, a door was opened in Heaven. And the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me, saying, Come up here, and I will show you what must occur after these things.
After what things?
After the course of previous events! (Rev. 1 - 3)
After what John had seen! (Rev. 1)
After the Church era! (Rev. 2-3)
After the Rapture of the Church! (Rev. 4:1)
John's vision of what follows in heaven.... before the start of the Great Tribulation!
Rev 4 : The judgement throne of God;
Rev 5 : The Lamb and the book sealed with 7 seals
Rev 5 : The Lamb and the book sealed with 7 seals (Rev. 4:2-11)
All three the judgements of Revelation (the seals, the trumpets, and the bowls of wrath) are preceded with an introduction in heaven. The introduction relative to the judgments of the seven seals is recorded in Revelation 5.
Rev. 5:1 And I saw a book on the right of Him sitting on the throne, written inside and on the back, sealed with seven seals.
The scroll is described and also the fact that it is sealed by 7 seals. It is written on both sides. Nothing can thus be added to the scroll. What is written in it is full and final. A document that was sealed with seven seals was known as a last will and testament. It was sealed in such a way that it could only be opened by one having testamentary authority.
The content of the scroll describe the destiny of mankind, it is God's determined judgments for mankind and incorporates all that God has in mind for mankind.
Rev. 5:2-3 And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book and to loosen its seals? (3) And no one in Heaven, nor on the earth, nor under the earth, was able to open the book or to look at it.
The scroll is a depiction of the future and the call for someone that was worthy enough to step forward and open the scroll, was left unanswered. Nobody in creation was found worthy, nobody in heaven, or earth, or under the earth (realm of the dead), nobody in the realm of heavenly creatures, or angels or human beings was found to be worthy. (Rev 5:4)
Eventually. the worthy One, the only appointed heir is revealed to John by of the elders. It is the Lion from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David. It is Jesus Christ! Concerning His humanity, His roots could be traced back to David (Isa. 11:1,10) and as far as His Divinity is concerned, Christ is the Root of David. Both titles have strong Jewish characteristics. Both have as their origen a description of the coming Messiah, and also find their fulfillment in Him. (Rev. 5:5)
John saw in the middle of the throne the four living creatures and the elders with Lamb standing in the midst of them. Here we have a tremendous image of Jesus Christ as He appears as the Lamb and the Lion before the throne. (Rev. 5:6)
The lamb took the scroll from the right hand of Him who sat on the throne. Jesus Christ is the Conqueror, the only One who was found worthy of opening the scroll. Jesus Christ is the true witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth; the First and the Last and the Living one; the one who was dead and now is alive for for evermore. (Rev. 5:7)
A new song is sung for the Lamb. This song contains the sum total of the results of the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, the lamb. His death was no mere accident; it served a purpose. The purpose was to restore and bring about a relationship between God and man. The death of the Lamb had a universal effect. That was to purchase men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. The redeemed would become a kingdom of priests, and to them would be given power to rule. The redeemed will reign as kings; and as priest they will be a channel of blessing. (Rev. 5:8 - 10)
At the trone of God there is consensus of the opinion as well as confirmation that the lamb is indeed the One in creation who is worthy to open the scroll, and to break the seals, and to receive praise and worship. (Rev. 5:11 - 13)
Rev. 5:14 And the four living creatures said, Amen. And the twenty-four elders fell down and worshiped the One living forever and ever.
Rights (C) 2011 Raymond D Lombard
ITISS Sel Groep,
My Facebook Community,
Revelations 4 - Events in Heaven
After these things
Rev 4:1 After these things I looked, and behold, a door was opened in Heaven. And the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me, saying, Come up here, and I will show you what must occur after these things.
After what things?
After the course of previous events! (Rev 1 - 3)
After what John had seen! (Rev 1)
After the Church era! (Rev 2-3)
After the Rapture of the Church! (Rev 4:1)
John's vision of what follows in heaven, before the start of the Great Tribulation!
Rev 4 : The judgement throne of GOD
Rev 5 : The Lamb and the book sealed with 7 seals
Rev 4 : The judgement throne of God (Rev 4:2-11)
GOD the Father sits on His throne of judgement (Rev 4:2) and He is totally in control. GOD is seen in His glory, appearing as a brilliant light (appearance of Jasper / sea green). GOD is prepared for judgement (appearence of Sardius / blood red), but GOD remembers His covenants and will remain faithful thereto even during His judgement (Rainbow of appearence of Emerald / deep green, Rev 4:3)
The Elders represent the raptured Church before the throne of GOD. Their white clothes speaks of righteousness and holiness and their crowns speaks of victory. Finding these Elders, as representative of the Church before the throne of GOD, speaks clearly of the Church no longer being on earth. (Rev 4:4)
The Elders sang a new song is sung for the Lamb. This song contains the sum total of the results of the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, the lamb. His death was no mere accident; it served a purpose. The purpose was to restore and bring about a relationship between GOD and man. The death of the Lamb had a universal effect. That was to purchase men for GOD from every tribe and language and people and nation. The redeemed would become a kingdom of priests, and to them would be given power to rule. The redeemed will reign as kings; and as priest they will be a channel of blessing. (Rev. 5:8 - 10)
Lightning, thunder and the 7 Spirits, the symbolic meaning of which is the summoning of the judgements of GOD. (Rev 4:5)
Die 4 created heavenly beings worship to the glory of GOD, worship Him, because He is worthy and holy, bringing Him praise and thanksgiving. The living creatures primary task is to worship Him who sits upon the throne, manifesting His glory and holiness. The Elders represent a special bond between GOD and His Church. They worship Him for His creative power. (Rev 4:6-10)
Rev 4:11 O Lord, You are worthy to receive glory and honor and power, because You created all things, and for Your will they are and were created.
The living creatures draw the attention of the whole universe to the glory of GOD, thereby manifesting His glory and holiness. The Elders , representatives of the redeemed, worship Him for what he has done, in that He has saved them.
To the Creator GOD is sung the glory, honour and power, praise and thanksgiving!
Rights (C) 2011 Raymond D Lombard
ITISS Sel Groep,
My Facebook Community,
Revelations 4 - The Rapture Part 3 - The timing of the Rapture
The person holding back the Antichrist
Matt. 24:15 Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place (whoever reads, let him understand).
2Thess. 2:3-8 Let not anyone deceive you by any means. For that Day shall not come unless there first comes a falling away, and the man of sin shall be revealed, the son of perdition, (4) who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, setting himself forth, that he is God. (5) Do you not remember that I told you these things when I was still with you? (6) And now you know what holds back, for him to be revealed in his own time. (7) For the mystery of lawlessness is already working, only he is now holding back until it comes out of the midst. (8) And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the breath of His mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming,
Abomination of Desolation = man of sin = son of perdition = man of lawlessness = the lawless one = the Antichrist.
The Church can be referred to as a "man" as the church is the body of Christ (Eph. 1:22-23, Col. 1:28)
The time when the person holding back the Antichrist will be removed
When will the Antichrist appear?
At the start of the week (7 year) of Great Tribulation?
In the middle of the week (7 year) of Great Tribulation?
Dan. 9:27 And he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week. And in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease, and on a corner of the altar desolating abomination, even until the end. And that which was decreed shall be poured on the desolator.
A covenant will be made by the Antichrist for one week (7 years) of the Great Tribulation.
The Antichrist must thus appear at the start of the week (7 years) of Great Tribulation.
The order of the book of Revelations
Introduction and greetings (Rev. 1:1 -8)
The things that John had seen (Rev. 1:9 -20)
The things what is (Rev. 2 - 3) The Church Era
The Rapture of the Church (Rev. 4:1 -4)
The things that is going to happen (Rev. 6:1 -18:24) , The Great Tribulation
The 2nd coming of Jesus Christ (Rev. 19:1 -20:3), and
The Messianic kingdom (Rev. 20:4: -20:15), and
The new and eternal order (Rev. 21:1 -22:9), then finally:
Promises and last warnings (Rev. 22:10 -22:21)
The only person , the only "man", holding back the Antichrist; can only be the Church held in place by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Rev. 4:1 After these things I looked, and behold, a door was opened in Heaven. And the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me, saying, Come up here, and I will show you what must occur after these things.
After what things?
After the course of previous events! (Rev. 1 - 3)
After what John had seen! (Rev. 1)
After the Church era! (Rev. 2-3)
After the Rapture of the Church! (Rev. 4:1)
The Church ( "man" holding back the Antichrist ) will be raptured before the start of the week ( 7 years ) of the Great Tribulation.
Rights (C) 2011 Raymond D Lombard
Matt. 24:15 Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place (whoever reads, let him understand).
2Thess. 2:3-8 Let not anyone deceive you by any means. For that Day shall not come unless there first comes a falling away, and the man of sin shall be revealed, the son of perdition, (4) who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, setting himself forth, that he is God. (5) Do you not remember that I told you these things when I was still with you? (6) And now you know what holds back, for him to be revealed in his own time. (7) For the mystery of lawlessness is already working, only he is now holding back until it comes out of the midst. (8) And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the breath of His mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming,
Abomination of Desolation = man of sin = son of perdition = man of lawlessness = the lawless one = the Antichrist.
The Church can be referred to as a "man" as the church is the body of Christ (Eph. 1:22-23, Col. 1:28)
The time when the person holding back the Antichrist will be removed
When will the Antichrist appear?
At the start of the week (7 year) of Great Tribulation?
In the middle of the week (7 year) of Great Tribulation?
Dan. 9:27 And he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week. And in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease, and on a corner of the altar desolating abomination, even until the end. And that which was decreed shall be poured on the desolator.
A covenant will be made by the Antichrist for one week (7 years) of the Great Tribulation.
The Antichrist must thus appear at the start of the week (7 years) of Great Tribulation.
The order of the book of Revelations
Introduction and greetings (Rev. 1:1 -8)
The things that John had seen (Rev. 1:9 -20)
The things what is (Rev. 2 - 3) The Church Era
The Rapture of the Church (Rev. 4:1 -4)
The things that is going to happen (Rev. 6:1 -18:24) , The Great Tribulation
The 2nd coming of Jesus Christ (Rev. 19:1 -20:3), and
The Messianic kingdom (Rev. 20:4: -20:15), and
The new and eternal order (Rev. 21:1 -22:9), then finally:
Promises and last warnings (Rev. 22:10 -22:21)
The only person , the only "man", holding back the Antichrist; can only be the Church held in place by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Rev. 4:1 After these things I looked, and behold, a door was opened in Heaven. And the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me, saying, Come up here, and I will show you what must occur after these things.
After what things?
After the course of previous events! (Rev. 1 - 3)
After what John had seen! (Rev. 1)
After the Church era! (Rev. 2-3)
After the Rapture of the Church! (Rev. 4:1)
The Church ( "man" holding back the Antichrist ) will be raptured before the start of the week ( 7 years ) of the Great Tribulation.
Rights (C) 2011 Raymond D Lombard
ITISS Sel Groep,
My Facebook Community,
Revelations 4 - The Rapture Part 2 - The Rapture vs the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ
The book Revelations gives us answers in regard to the hereafter, life and death, the end of all things, the climax of all ages being the second coming of Jesus Christ, the coming judgement and the great white throne judgement of all the unrighteous (the unsaved).
The 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.
Matt. 24:29-30 And immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from the heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. (30) And then the sign of the Son of Man shall appear in the heavens. And then all the tribes of the earth shall mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of the heaven with power and great glory.
Rev. 19:11-14 And I saw Heaven opened. And behold, a white horse! And He sitting on him was called Faithful and True. And in righteousness He judges and makes war. (12) And His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head many crowns. And He had a name written, one that no one knew except Himself. (13) And He had been clothed in a garment dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. (14) And the armies in Heaven followed Him on white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
The Rapture vs the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ
The book Revelations gives us a chronological order of the end-time events in which we can determine the end of the Church Era (Rev. 2-3), then the Rapture (Rev. 4:1-4), thereafter the Great Tribulation (Rev. 6:1 - 18:24) and then at the end thereof, the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. (Matt. 24:29-30, Rev. 19:11 - 14)
The Rapture & 2nd Coming is two separate events, separated by the Great Tribulation.
1) Rapture or Parousia (Jesus's physical appearence); Jesus will appear to all those who eagerly await Him for complete salvation (Heb. 9:28). Thereafter, they will remain with Him forever. (1 Thess. 4:17), and
2) 2nd coming or apokalips or faneros (Jesus's public appearence or his becoming visible); He will not come secretly, as He did for His Bride alone at the parousia , but with His public appearence or his becoming visible at the end of the Great Tribulation, Jesus as Judge and King, AND His saints will be revealed to the world in glory at the same time. (Zac. 4:4-5, Matt. 24:29-30, Rev. 19:11 - 15)
It is quite obvious that Christians could not accompany the Lord Jesus and be revealed in their glorified bodies unless they had already been united with Him at an earlier stage.
With the Rapture the Church meets Jesus in the air. (1 Thess. 4:17)
With the 2nd coming Christ will stand on the mount of Olives. (Zec. 14:4-5)
With the Rapture Christ, together with his Church goes to heaven. (Joh. 14:2-3)
With the 2nd coming Christ returns to earth to reign for a 1000 years. (Rev. 20: 4-6)
The Rapture will happen before the Great Tribulation. (2 Thess. 2:6-7, Rev. 4)
Jesus returns after after the Great Tribulation. (Matt. 24 21-22, 29-30)
The Rapture will be unexpectedly, in a glance of an eye. (1 Co. 15:52, 1Thess. 4:16-17, 1 Thess 5:1-5)
Jesus will return to earth publicly and visible for all to see. (2 Thess. 1:7-9, Matt. 24:30)
The Rapture is a New Testament doctrine. (1 Thess. 4:16-17)
The 2nd coming is an Old Testament as well as a New Testament doctrine. (Zec. 4:4-5, Rev. 19:11 - 15)
The Rapture (Rev. 4:1-4) and the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ (Rev. 19:11 - 14) are two separate events separated by the 7-year Great Tribulation. (Rev. 6:1 - 18:24).
The Rapture is the coming of Jesus FOR his Bride
Jesus, our heavenly Bridegroom will come unexpectedly, as a thief in the night (1Thess 5:2), to fetch his Church. He meets his Church in the air and takes her quickly to heaven to be with Him forever.(1Thess 4:16-17, Joh 14:2-3)
The 2nd Coming of Jesus is the becoming visible of Jesus WITH his Bride
Jesus return publicly so as every eye shall see Him (2 Thess. 1:7-9, Matt. 24:30). He is accompanied by His Bride and a heavenly army (Rev. 19:11 - 15) and he set foot on the Mount of Olives. (Zec. 14:4-5)
Rights (C) 2011 Raymond D Lombard
The 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.
Matt. 24:29-30 And immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from the heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. (30) And then the sign of the Son of Man shall appear in the heavens. And then all the tribes of the earth shall mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of the heaven with power and great glory.
Rev. 19:11-14 And I saw Heaven opened. And behold, a white horse! And He sitting on him was called Faithful and True. And in righteousness He judges and makes war. (12) And His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head many crowns. And He had a name written, one that no one knew except Himself. (13) And He had been clothed in a garment dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. (14) And the armies in Heaven followed Him on white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
The Rapture vs the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ
The book Revelations gives us a chronological order of the end-time events in which we can determine the end of the Church Era (Rev. 2-3), then the Rapture (Rev. 4:1-4), thereafter the Great Tribulation (Rev. 6:1 - 18:24) and then at the end thereof, the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. (Matt. 24:29-30, Rev. 19:11 - 14)
The Rapture & 2nd Coming is two separate events, separated by the Great Tribulation.
1) Rapture or Parousia (Jesus's physical appearence); Jesus will appear to all those who eagerly await Him for complete salvation (Heb. 9:28). Thereafter, they will remain with Him forever. (1 Thess. 4:17), and
2) 2nd coming or apokalips or faneros (Jesus's public appearence or his becoming visible); He will not come secretly, as He did for His Bride alone at the parousia , but with His public appearence or his becoming visible at the end of the Great Tribulation, Jesus as Judge and King, AND His saints will be revealed to the world in glory at the same time. (Zac. 4:4-5, Matt. 24:29-30, Rev. 19:11 - 15)
It is quite obvious that Christians could not accompany the Lord Jesus and be revealed in their glorified bodies unless they had already been united with Him at an earlier stage.
With the Rapture the Church meets Jesus in the air. (1 Thess. 4:17)
With the 2nd coming Christ will stand on the mount of Olives. (Zec. 14:4-5)
With the Rapture Christ, together with his Church goes to heaven. (Joh. 14:2-3)
With the 2nd coming Christ returns to earth to reign for a 1000 years. (Rev. 20: 4-6)
The Rapture will happen before the Great Tribulation. (2 Thess. 2:6-7, Rev. 4)
Jesus returns after after the Great Tribulation. (Matt. 24 21-22, 29-30)
The Rapture will be unexpectedly, in a glance of an eye. (1 Co. 15:52, 1Thess. 4:16-17, 1 Thess 5:1-5)
Jesus will return to earth publicly and visible for all to see. (2 Thess. 1:7-9, Matt. 24:30)
The Rapture is a New Testament doctrine. (1 Thess. 4:16-17)
The 2nd coming is an Old Testament as well as a New Testament doctrine. (Zec. 4:4-5, Rev. 19:11 - 15)
The Rapture (Rev. 4:1-4) and the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ (Rev. 19:11 - 14) are two separate events separated by the 7-year Great Tribulation. (Rev. 6:1 - 18:24).
The Rapture is the coming of Jesus FOR his Bride
Jesus, our heavenly Bridegroom will come unexpectedly, as a thief in the night (1Thess 5:2), to fetch his Church. He meets his Church in the air and takes her quickly to heaven to be with Him forever.(1Thess 4:16-17, Joh 14:2-3)
The 2nd Coming of Jesus is the becoming visible of Jesus WITH his Bride
Jesus return publicly so as every eye shall see Him (2 Thess. 1:7-9, Matt. 24:30). He is accompanied by His Bride and a heavenly army (Rev. 19:11 - 15) and he set foot on the Mount of Olives. (Zec. 14:4-5)
Rights (C) 2011 Raymond D Lombard
ITISS Sel Groep,
My Facebook Community,
Revelations 4 - The Rapture Part 1 - Is the Rapture a biblical doctrine?
1Thess. 4:16-17 For the Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ shall rise first. (17) Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. And so we shall ever be with the Lord.
Caught up; the different translations
Greek; harpazō; to seize (in various applications): - catch (away, up), pluck, pull, take (by force).
Latin; rapimuir, from the verb rapio meaning "to catch up" or "take away".
English; Rapture is derived from Middle French rapture, via theMedieval Latin raptura ("seizure, rape, kidnapping"), which derives from the Latin raptus ("a carrying off").
Afrikaans; Weggevoer; is derived from the English Rapture, from which the Afrikaans Wegraping is derived.
Caught up is also translated similarly as:
Joh. 10:12 catcheth
Matt. 13:19 catcheth away
2Co. 12:2 caught up
2Co. 12:4 caught up
Act. 8:39 caught away
Matt. 11:12 take it by force
Joh. 6:15 take him by force
Was the Rapture a mystery?
For something to be a mystery, it must be revealed in the New Testament and never be referred to in the Old Testament.
1Co. 15:51-53 Behold, I speak a mystery to you; we shall not all fall asleep, but we shall all be changed; (52) in a moment, in a glance of an eye, at the last trumpet. For a trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall all be changed. (53) For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
The mystery of the Church was only revealed by Paul (Eph. 3:1-12)
Our heavenly Bridegroom will come unexpectedly (1 Th. 4: 16), as a thief in the night (1Th. 5:2), fetch his Church (Christ's coming FOR his bride i.e. parousia / physical presence). He meets his Church in the air (1 Th. 4: 17)and takes her quickly (1 Th. 4: 17) i.e. caught up) to heaven to be with Him forever (Joh. 14:3).
The content of the mystery of the Rapture indicate that there will be a whole generation of believers who will enter eternity without even ever going through the portals of death. They will never die, but they will be changed. This was NOT revealed in the Old Testament.
Will the Church pass through the Great Tribulation?
The Mystery revealed by Paul included NO mention and/or guidance from Paul to the Church as how to pass through the Great Tribulation. Paul in fact mentions that the Church will be delivered from the wrath by Jesus.
1Thess. 1:10 and to wait for His Son from Heaven (whom He raised from the dead), Jesus, who delivered us from the wrath to come.
1Thess. 5:9 For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,
The wrath is none other that the Great Tribulation (Matt. 24, 25, Luk. 21, Rev. 6).
If the Church, the body of Christ, the individual believers from the ranks of all nations , are promised to be delivered from this wrath , then it is obvious that the Church will not pass through the Great Tribulation.
Reference to the Curch in the book Revelations
Reference to the Church only appears in Chapter 2 & 3 ( one further reference in Chapter 22:16)
There is no references to the Church in Chapters 6:1 - 18:24 i.e. the 7-year period of Great Tribulation. Instead the focus changes to Israel.
There is thus in the book Revelations a distinct separation in periods and dealings of the Church and Israel.
1) The Church (Rev. 2-3)
2) Israel (Rev. 6:1 - 18:24)
Rights (C) 2011 Raymond D Lombard
ITISS Sel Groep,
My Facebook Community,
Revelations 2-3: The 7 Churches - You?
I know YOUR works:
Yes, that’s it!!!!!!
Our Lord Jesus knows every thought or deed that YOU do. He knows your heart, your faithfulness, or is it unfaithfulness towards Him!!
Rev 2:7 He (thats YOU) who has an ear, let him (You) hear what the Spirit says to the churches (YOU). To him (You) who overcomes I will give to eat of the Tree of Life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.
Refer also to those "that overcomes" in; Rev 2:11 (Smirna), Rev 2:17 (Pergamos), Rev 2:26 (Thyatira), Rev 3:5 (Sardis), Rev 3:12 (Philadelphia), Rev 3:21 (Laodicea)
For all that thus overcomes there IS HOPE!!
Rev 12:10-11 And I heard a great voice saying in Heaven, Now has come the salvation and power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ. For the accuser of our brothers is cast down, who accused them before our God day and night. (11) And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony. And they did not love their soul until death.
Because of the blood of the Lamb?
To overcome by the blood of the Lamb is to; BELIEVE you are saved, once and for everlasting!!!!
How, you wonder?
By the "Word preached as gospel" (1Pe 1:25 & 1Co 15:1-4)
By the "Word that will endure forever" (1Pe 1:25).
BELIEVE "that you have been born again, of incorruptible seed, through the living Word that will endure forever" (1Pe 1:23 & 25).
BELIEVE in the SON OF GOD! (1Jn 3:8)
BELIEVE "that you then have become partakers of the divine nature of God" (1Jn 3:9)
BELIEVE "that you are born of GOD because His incorruptible seed remains in you" (1Jn 3:9)
Because of the word of your testimony?
Always; declare the gospel; (1) that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures; and (2) Christ was buried, and (3) Christ raised again on the third day according to the Scriptures (1Co 15:1-4)
A personnel view?
Ephesus - Have you lost your spiritual character and dedication to Jesus? (Rev 2:4)
Do have spiritual discernment and knowledge to identify false teachings? (Rev 2:6)
Smyrna - Are you set apart from this world? (Rev 2:9)
Pergamos - Are you teaching unfaithfulness to God, to Jesus? (Rev 2:14)
Do have spiritual discernment and knowledge to identify false teachings?(Rev 2:15)
Thiatire - Are you promoting, taking part in idol worship? (Rev 2:20)
Sardis - Are you internally spiritually dead? (Rev 3:1)
Philadelphia - Are you filled by the Holy Spirit? (Rev 3:8)
Laodicea - Are you truly reborn? (Rev 3:8)
What is the common message?
2Pe 3:17-18 And so, dear friends, since you already know these things, continually be on your guard not to be carried away by the deception of lawless people. Otherwise, you may fall from your secure position.
(18) Instead, continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus, the Messiah. Glory belongs to him both now and on that eternal day! Amen.
Rights (C) 2011 Raymond D Lombard
Revelations 2-3: The 7 Churches – Summarised.
I know your works:
Rev 1:20 The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand and the seven golden lampstands. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands which you saw are the seven churches.
The 7 churches, or lampstands, give light, truth, and insight into the world (are the testimony of Jesus). Jesus is in the midst of the churches and as High Priest, trims or cares for the lampstands. Jesus is thus alive in the church even today, in order to fulfill His will and His way. Jesus points out each particular problem and teaches each and every other church how to solve those problems.
Ephesus (Rev 2: 1 -7) - Rev 2:4 But I have against you that you left your first love....
Ephesians, you do not have that fire, that passion for Me that once burned within you. That which you once cherished, you do not consider to be of importance anymore. Your passion for Me, your spiritual character and dedication to Me, has slipped away. Remember thus your first works (passion for Me), repent (change your mind and ways) and do your first works ( dedicate yourselves to Me again). Do this or have your lampstand removed (stop being the light, truth and insight to the world).
Smyrna (Rev 2: 8-11) - Rev 2:10 Do not at all fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the Devil will cast some of you into prison, so that you may be tried. And you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful to death, and I will give you the crown of life.
Smyrna, I know your works, your tribulations and your poverty. Do not fear any of those things you are about to suffer. Be faithful unto death, and I promise you, My martyrs, that you will never be separated from God. You will receive the crown of life; the martyrs crown for those that have died for their faith in Jesus Christ.
Pergamos (Rev 2:12 -17) Rev 2:14-15 But I have a few things against you, because you have there those who hold the teachings of Balaam, who taught Balak to cast a stumbling-block before the sons of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit fornication. (15) So you also have those who hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.
Pergamos, You are teaching unfaithfulness to God (the doctrine of Balaam) and I hate any false teaching (doctrine of the NicoLaitans). Repent or My judgment will follow you for your disobedience.
Thyatira (Rev 2:18-29) Rev 2:20 But I have a few things against you because you allow that woman Jezebel to teach, she saying herself to be a prophetess, and to cause My servants to go astray, and to commit fornication, and to eat idol-sacrifices.
Thyatira, I know everything, I am the one that searches the mind and the hearts. Some of You have from within My Church, allowed and accepted false teaching even to the point of approving sin. (Teachings of Jezebel). You believe you are worshipping God, but you are indeed busy with idol worship. If you do not repent from worshipping idolatry, you will be punished. However, those that have not accepted this doctrine, hold fast to My truth and you will receive no other burden.
Sardis (Rev 3:1 - 6) Rev 3:2 Be watchful and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die. For I have not found your works being fulfilled before God.
Sardis, you are sold out to rituals and formalism, wearing a cloak of godliness, but you are spiritually dead. I am calling on you to awake out of your spiritual sleep. Remember what you have received and have heard and repent. I do not want to come when you do not expect Me. Revive, cleanse and sanctify yourselves in order to be ready.
Philadelphia (Rev 3:7 - 13) Rev 3:8 I know your works. Behold, I have given before you an open door, and no one can shut it. For you have a little strength and have kept My Word and have not denied My name.
Philadelphia, you are spiritually vibrant and I give you an open door to proclaim salvation. I will protect and deliver you from all future tribulations.
Laodiceans (Rev 3:14- 22) Rev 3:16 So because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.
Laodiceans you are complacent and proud (spiritually lukewarm) and unaware of your true state. You have become worldly and materialistic believers in which the authority of man is placed above that of God. You are identified by the expression and will of people and not by which God desires from you. I long for you to heed My invitation so that I may fellowship with you again. I stand outside the door knocking, seeking an opportunity to enter. Repent, and if anyone opens the door, I will dine with him.
Rev 3:22 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
Rights (C) 2011 Raymond D Lombard
Revelations 2-3: The 7 Churches - Intro
Why specifically the 7 churches of Asia?
Ephesus; The backslidden church (70AD - 170AD)
Smyrna; The persecuted church (170Ad - 312AD)
Pergamos; The licentious church (312AD - 606AD)
Thyatira; the church that grew lax (606AD - 1520AD)
Sardis; the dead church (1520AD - 1755AD)
Philadelphia; Brotherly love church (1755AD - 1900AD)
Laodiceans; The materialistic church (1900AD - Date)
What's said of the churches, God says for His church comprehensively! The characteristics and circumstances pointed out by Jesus have repeated themselves in the churches throughout the ages, even to this day.
Revelations is indeed of a prophetic nature and as such the prophetic future of the church is constantly revealed. What is said about these 7 churches has progressively been fulfilled during the past 2000 years and will continue to be fulfilled until time of the coming of Jesus Christ.
The Lord's churches are the light bearers (lampstand) of this given revelation and as such the witness of Jesus Christ.
What is revealed concerns the physical (visible) church rather that the spiritual (unseen) church which is the body of Christ and consist only of believers. The physical / visible church consist of believers AND non-believers.
Eph 5:23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
Rights (C) 2011 Raymond D Lombard
Openbaring 5 - Gebeure in die Hemel
Ná hierdie dinge
Op. 4:1 Ná hierdie dinge het ek gesien kyk, ‘n geopende deur in die hemel, en die eerste stem wat ek soos ‘n basuin met my hoor spreek het, het gesê: Kom op hierheen, en Ek sal jou toon wat ná hierdie dinge moet gebeur.
Na wat se dinge?
Na die verloop van die voorafgaande! (Op. 1 - 3)
Na die verloop van wat Johannes gesien het! (Op. 1)
Na die verloop van die Kerk era! (Op. 2-3)
Na die wegraping van die Kerk! (Op. 4:1)
Johannes se vesioen van wat in die hemel volg....voor die begin van die Groot Verdrukking!
Op 4 : Die oordeelstroon van God.
Op 5 : Die Lam and die boek verseel met die 7 seels
Op 5: Die Lam en die boek verseel met die 7 seels (Op. 4:2-11)
Al drie reekse van oordele in Openbaring (seels, basuine en wraaksale) word voorafgegaan deur 'n inleiding in die hemel. Die inleiding in die hemel tot die oordele in die 7 seels bevind, word in Openbaring 5 uiteengesit.
Op. 5:1 En ek het in die regterhand van Hom wat op die troon sit, ‘n boek gesien, van binne en van buite beskrywe en met sewe seëls goed verseël.
Die boekrol word beskryf en so ook die feit dat dit met 7 seels verseel is. Die boekrol is op die voor- en agterkant beskrywe, wat dus op die boekrol geskrywe is, is volkome en finaal, niks kan meer bygevoeg word nie. Die boekrol is verseel met die 7 seels wat testamentere krag aandui en dit kan slegs deur 'n gemagdigde en waardige erfgenaam geopen word.
Die boekrol bevat God se bestemming vir die mensdom, is God se uitgemete oordeel oor die mensdom en bevat dus ook die volle gebeure wat God vir die mensdom in gedagte het.
Op. 5:2-3 En ek het ‘n sterk engel gesien wat met ‘n groot stem uitroep: Wie is waardig om die boek oop te maak en sy seëls te breek? (3) En niemand in die hemel of op die aarde of onder die aarde kon die boek oopmaak of daarin kyk nie.
Die boekrol is boek van die toekoms en die uitroep na 'n waardige een om dit oop te maak lewer niemand op wat waardig gevind word; in die hemel, die aarde, of onder die aarde (doderyk), onder geen hemelwese, engel of mens. (Op. 5:4)
Die waardige Een, die enige aangestelde erfgenaam word deur 'n ouderling aan Johannes geopenbaar. Dit is die Leeu uit die stam van Juda, die Wortel van Dawid. Dit is Jesus Christus! Wat Christus se mensheid betref, Hy het sy wortels in Dawid (Jes 11:1,10) en wat sy Godheid betref, is Christus die wortel van Dawid. Beide die titles het sterk Joodse karaktertrekke. Hulle het albei hul oorsprong in die beskrywing van die komende Messias, en het ook in Hom hul vervulling gevind. (Op. 5:5)
Johannes sien dan die Lam wat in die middel van die troon tussen die 4 lewense wesens en die 24 ouderlinge staan. Hierdie is 'n geweldige beeld van Jesus Christus die Lam en die Leeu wat voor die troon verskyn. (Op. 5:6)
Die Lam neem die boek uit die regterhand van Hom wat op die troon sit. Christus is die Oorwinnaar, die enigste een waardig gevind om die boek oop te maak. Christus is die getroue getuie, die eersgeborene uit die dode en die Oewerste oor die konings van die aarde, die eeste en die laaste en die lewende, die een wat dood was en nou leef, tot in alle ewigheid. (Op. 5:7)
Vir die Lam word 'n nuwe lied gesing. Hierdie lied bevat en som die resultate op van die offerdood van Jesus Christus, die Lam. Sy dood was nie 'n ongeluk nie, dit was met 'n doel. Die doel was dat deur sy soendood die verhouding tussen God en die mens herstel is. Die Lam se dood het 'n unversele effek. Dit was om mense te koop uit elke stam, taal, volk en nasie. Die vrygekooptes is nou gemaak konings en priesters en daar word aan hulle heerskappye gegee. As konings sal die verlostes regeer, as priesters is hulle 'n kanaal van seen. (Op. 5:8 - 10)
Voor die troon is daar dan eenstemmigheid en bevestiging dat die Lam inderdaad die Een in die skepping is; wat waardig is om die boek oop te maak, sy seels te breek em om die lof en aanbidding te ontvang. (Op. 5:11 - 13)
Op. 5:14 En die vier lewende wesens het gesê: Amen! En die vier en twintig ouderlinge het neergeval en Hom aanbid wat lewe tot in alle ewigheid.
Regte (C) 2011 Raymond D Lombard
ITISS Sel Groep,
My Facebook Community,
Openbaring 4 - Gebeure in die Hemel
Ná hierdie dinge
Op 4:1 Ná hierdie dinge het ek gesien kyk, ‘n geopende deur in die hemel, en die eerste stem wat ek soos ‘n basuin met my hoor spreek het, het gesê: Kom op hierheen, en Ek sal jou toon wat ná hierdie dinge moet gebeur.
Na wat se dinge?
Na die verloop van die voorafgaande! (Op 1-3)
Na die verloop van wat Johannes gesien het! (Op 1)
Na die verloop van die Kerk era! (Op 2-3)
Na die wegraping van die Kerk! (Op 4:1)
Johannes se visioen van wat in die hemel volg....voor die begin van die Groot Verdrukking!
Op 4 : Die oordeelstroon van GOD
Op 5 : Die Lam and die boek verseel met die 7 seels
Open 4: Die oordeels troon van God (Op 4:2-11)
GOD die Vader sit op Sy troon van oordeel (Op 4:2) en Hy is in volle beheer. GOD staan vir Sy majesteit, in voorkoms 'n helder lig (voorkoms van Jaspis / seegroen). GOD sal sy oordeel uitoefen (voorkoms Sardius / bloedrooi), maar GOD onthou sy verbonde en bly steeds getrou daaraan self tydens sy oordeel (Reenboog van voorkoms Smarag / diepgroen). (Op 4:3)
Die 24 Ouderlinge verteenwoordig die weggeraapte Kerk voor die troon van GOD. Hul wit klere spreek van saligheid en geregtigheid en hul krone van oorwinning. Die Ouderlinge is verteenwoordigend van die Kerk voor die troon van GOD en spreek dus duidelik van Kerk wat nie meer op die aarde is nie.(Op 4:4)
Die Ouderlinge sing vir die Lam 'n nuwe lied. Hierdie lied bevat en som die resultate op van die offerdood van Jesus Christus, die Lam. Sy dood was nie 'n ongeluk nie, dit was met 'n doel. Die doel was dat deur sy soendood die verhouding tussen God en die mens herstel is. Die Lam se dood het 'n unversele effek. Dit was om mense te koop uit elke stam, taal, volk en nasie. Die vrygekooptes is nou gemaak konings en priesters en daar word aan hulle heerskappye gegee. As konings sal die verlostes regeer, as priesters is hulle 'n kanaal van seen. (Op. 5:8 - 10)
Die Weerlig, donderslae, en die 7 Geeste, die simboliese betekenis van GOD se se komende oordele. (Op 4:5)
Die 4 geskape wensens prys GOD vir sy heiligheid, prys Hom want Hy is die Almagtige. Hul aanbid m, wat op die troon sit, want Hy is tot in alle ewigheid. Die taak van die lewende wesens is om Hom wat op die troon sit, the aanbid om daardeur Sy heiligheid te bevestig. Die Ouderlinge verteenwoordig 'n spesiale verhouding tussen GOD en Sy Kerk. Hulle aanbid Hom vir Sy skeppende krag. (Op 4:6-10)
Op 4:11 U is waardig, o Here, om te ontvang die heerlikheid en die eer en die krag, want U het alles geskape en deur u wil bestaan hulle en is hulle geskape.
Die lewende wesens bring die hele skepping tot vereering van GOD, en bevestig daardeur Sy eer en heiligheid. Die Ouderlinge, as verteenwoordigers van die verlostes, aanbid Hom vir wat Hy gedoen het, dat Hy hulle gered het.
Tot die Skepper GOD word besing die eer, heerlikheid, krag, aanbidding en danksegging!
Regte (C) 2011 Raymond D Lombard
ITISS Sel Groep,
My Facebook Community,
Openbaring 4 - Die Wegraping Deel 3 - Die tyd van die Wegraping
Die persoon wat die Antichris terughou
Matt. 24:15 Wanneer julle dan die gruwel van die verwoesting, waarvan gespreek is deur die profeet Daniël, sien staan in die heiligdom—laat hy wat lees, oplet—
2Thess. 2:3-8 Laat niemand julle op enige manier mislei nie, want eers moet die afval kom en die mens van sonde geopenbaar word, die seun van die verderf (4) die teëstander wat hom verhef bo al wat God genoem word of voorwerp van aanbidding is, sodat hy in die tempel van God as God sal sit en voorgee dat hy God is. (5) Onthou julle nie dat ek dit altyd vir julle gesê het toe ek nog by julle was nie? (6) En nou, julle weet wat hom teëhou, sodat hy op sy tyd geopenbaar kan word. (7) Want die verborgenheid van die ongeregtigheid is al aan die werk, net totdat hy wat nou teëhou, uit die weg geruim is; (8) en dan sal die ongeregtige geopenbaar word, hy wat die Here met die asem van sy mond sal verdelg en deur die verskyning van sy wederkoms tot niet sal maak.
Gruwel van die Verwoesting, = mens van sonde = seun van die verderf = verborgenheid van die ongeregtigheid = die ongeregtige = die Antichris.
Die Kerk kan na verwys word as 'n "man" aangesien die Kerk die liggaam van Christus is (Ef. 1:22-23, Kol. 1:28)
Die tyd wanneer die persoon wat die Antichris teehou verwyder sal word
Wanneer sal die Antchris verskyn?
Aan die begin van die 7 jaar Groot Verdrukker?
In die middel van die 7 jaar Groot Verdrukking?
Dan. 9:27 En hy sal een week lank met baie ‘n sterk verbond sluit, en gedurende die helfte van die week sal hy slagoffer en spysoffer laat ophou; en op die vleuel van gruwels sal daar ‘n verwoester wees, en wel tot aan die einde; en wat vas besluit is, sal oor wat woes is, uitgestort word.
'n Verbond sal deur die Antchris vir een wee(7 jaar) van die Groot Verdrukking gesluit word.
Die Antchris moet dus aan die begin van die week (7 jaar Groot Verdrukking verskyn.
Die orde van professie in die boek Openbaring
Inleiding en groete (Op. 1:1 -8)
Die dinge wat Johannes gesien het (Op. 1:9 -20)
Die dinge wat is (Op. 2 - 3) Die Kerk Era
Die Wegraping van die Kerk (Op. 4:1 -4)
Die dinge wat gaan gebeur (Op. 6:1 -18:24) - Die Groot Verdrukking
Die sigbare wederkoms van Jesus Christus (Op. 19:1 -20:3), en
Die Messiaanse Koninkryk (Op. 20:4: -20:15), en
Die nuwe en ewige orde (Op. 21:1 -22:9), dan finaal
Beloftes en laaste waarskuwings (Op. 22:10 -22:21)
Die enigste persoon, die enigste "man", wat die Antichris teehou, kan alleenlik die Kerk wees wat huidiglik deur die kragtige werking van die Heilige Gees in plek gehou word.
Op 4:1 Ná hierdie dinge het ek gesien kyk, ‘n geopende deur in die hemel, en die eerste stem wat ek soos ‘n basuin met my hoor spreek het, het gesê: Kom op hierheen, en Ek sal jou toon wat ná hierdie dinge moet gebeur.
Na watter dinge?
Na die verloop van vorige gebeure (Op. 1- 3)
Na wat Johannes gesien het (Op. 1)
Na die Kerk Era (Op. 2-3)
Na die Wegraping van die Kerk (Op. 4:1)
Die Kerk (die man wat die Antichris teehou) sal weggeraap word voor die begin van die 7 jaar Groot Verdrukking.
Regte (C) 2011 Raymond D Lombard
Matt. 24:15 Wanneer julle dan die gruwel van die verwoesting, waarvan gespreek is deur die profeet Daniël, sien staan in die heiligdom—laat hy wat lees, oplet—
2Thess. 2:3-8 Laat niemand julle op enige manier mislei nie, want eers moet die afval kom en die mens van sonde geopenbaar word, die seun van die verderf (4) die teëstander wat hom verhef bo al wat God genoem word of voorwerp van aanbidding is, sodat hy in die tempel van God as God sal sit en voorgee dat hy God is. (5) Onthou julle nie dat ek dit altyd vir julle gesê het toe ek nog by julle was nie? (6) En nou, julle weet wat hom teëhou, sodat hy op sy tyd geopenbaar kan word. (7) Want die verborgenheid van die ongeregtigheid is al aan die werk, net totdat hy wat nou teëhou, uit die weg geruim is; (8) en dan sal die ongeregtige geopenbaar word, hy wat die Here met die asem van sy mond sal verdelg en deur die verskyning van sy wederkoms tot niet sal maak.
Gruwel van die Verwoesting, = mens van sonde = seun van die verderf = verborgenheid van die ongeregtigheid = die ongeregtige = die Antichris.
Die Kerk kan na verwys word as 'n "man" aangesien die Kerk die liggaam van Christus is (Ef. 1:22-23, Kol. 1:28)
Die tyd wanneer die persoon wat die Antichris teehou verwyder sal word
Wanneer sal die Antchris verskyn?
Aan die begin van die 7 jaar Groot Verdrukker?
In die middel van die 7 jaar Groot Verdrukking?
Dan. 9:27 En hy sal een week lank met baie ‘n sterk verbond sluit, en gedurende die helfte van die week sal hy slagoffer en spysoffer laat ophou; en op die vleuel van gruwels sal daar ‘n verwoester wees, en wel tot aan die einde; en wat vas besluit is, sal oor wat woes is, uitgestort word.
'n Verbond sal deur die Antchris vir een wee(7 jaar) van die Groot Verdrukking gesluit word.
Die Antchris moet dus aan die begin van die week (7 jaar Groot Verdrukking verskyn.
Die orde van professie in die boek Openbaring
Inleiding en groete (Op. 1:1 -8)
Die dinge wat Johannes gesien het (Op. 1:9 -20)
Die dinge wat is (Op. 2 - 3) Die Kerk Era
Die Wegraping van die Kerk (Op. 4:1 -4)
Die dinge wat gaan gebeur (Op. 6:1 -18:24) - Die Groot Verdrukking
Die sigbare wederkoms van Jesus Christus (Op. 19:1 -20:3), en
Die Messiaanse Koninkryk (Op. 20:4: -20:15), en
Die nuwe en ewige orde (Op. 21:1 -22:9), dan finaal
Beloftes en laaste waarskuwings (Op. 22:10 -22:21)
Die enigste persoon, die enigste "man", wat die Antichris teehou, kan alleenlik die Kerk wees wat huidiglik deur die kragtige werking van die Heilige Gees in plek gehou word.
Op 4:1 Ná hierdie dinge het ek gesien kyk, ‘n geopende deur in die hemel, en die eerste stem wat ek soos ‘n basuin met my hoor spreek het, het gesê: Kom op hierheen, en Ek sal jou toon wat ná hierdie dinge moet gebeur.
Na watter dinge?
Na die verloop van vorige gebeure (Op. 1- 3)
Na wat Johannes gesien het (Op. 1)
Na die Kerk Era (Op. 2-3)
Na die Wegraping van die Kerk (Op. 4:1)
Die Kerk (die man wat die Antichris teehou) sal weggeraap word voor die begin van die 7 jaar Groot Verdrukking.
Regte (C) 2011 Raymond D Lombard
ITISS Sel Groep,
My Facebook Community,
Openbaring 4 - Die Wegraping Deel 2 - Die Wegraping vs die sigbare Wederkoms
Die boek Openbaring gee ons antwoorde tov die hiernamaals, die lewe en die dood, die einde van alle dinge, en so ook die klimaks van alle eeue, te wete die sigbare wederkoms van Jesus Christus, die komende oordeel, en die wittroon oordeel oor alle onregverdiges (ongeredde mense).
Die Sigbare Wederkoms.
Matt. 24:29-30 En dadelik ná die verdrukking van daardie dae sal die son verduister word, en die maan sal sy glans nie gee nie, en die sterre sal van die hemel val, en die kragte van die hemele sal geskud word. (30) En dan sal die teken van die Seun van die mens in die hemel verskyn, en dan sal al die stamme van die aarde rou bedryf en die Seun van die mens sien kom op die wolke van die hemel met groot krag en heerlikheid.
Op. 19:11-14 Toe het ek die hemel geopend gesien; en daar was ‘n wit perd, en Hy wat daarop sit, word genoem Getrou en Waaragtig, en Hy oordeel en voer oorlog in geregtigheid. (12) En sy oë was soos ‘n vuurvlam, en op sy hoof was baie krone; en Hy het ‘n Naam wat geskrywe is, wat niemand ken nie, behalwe Hy self. (13) En Hy was bekleed met ‘n kleed wat in bloed gedoop was, en sy Naam is: Die Woord van God. (14) En die leërs in die hemel het Hom gevolg op wit perde, bekleed met wit en rein fyn linne.
Die Wegraping en die sigbare Wederkoms is twee aparte gebeure, geskei deur die Groot Verdrukking.
Die boek Openbaring gee ons 'n kronologiese siening van die orde van die eindtyd gebeure waarin ons dus kan sien die einde van die Kerk Era (Op. 2-3), dan die Wegraping (Op. 4:1-4), daarna die Groot Verdrukking (Op. 6:1 - 18:24) en aan die einde daarvan, die sigbare wederkoms van Jesus Christus. (Matt. 24:29-30, Op. 19:11 - 14)
Jesus Christus sal verskyn tydens die volgende twee geleenthede
1) Wegraping of te wel Parousia (Jesus se fisiese verskyning); Jesus verskyn onverwags aan hulle wat Hom verwag tot saligheid, en ontmoet hul in die lug (Heb. 9:28). Hulle sal daarna altyd by Hom bly. (1 Thess. 4:17), en
2) Sigbare wederkoms of te wel apokalips of faneros (Jesus se openbare verskyning); Jesus sal nie in die geheim kom soos wanneer Hy sy Bruid kom haal nie, maar met Jesus se openbaarmaking of sigbaarwording na die Groot Verdrukking, sal Hy aan die hele wereld geopenbaar word as Regter en Koning, SAAM met sy Heiliges. (Sag. 4:4-5, Matt. 24:29-30, Op. 19:11 - 15)
Dit is versker ooglopend dat Jesus se Heiliges (gereddes) in hul verheerlikde liggame tog nie saam met Jesus kan wees nie tensy hul alreeds met Hom verenig was voor sy sigbare wederkoms.
Met die wegraping ontmoet die Kerk Christus in die lug. (1 Thess. 4:17)
Met die wederkoms kom Christus tot op die aarde. (Sag. 14:4-5)
Met die wegraping gaan Christus saam met sy Kerk hemel toe. (Joh. 14:2-3)
Met die wederkoms kom Christus na die aarde om 1000 jaar te regeer. (Op. 20: 4-6)
Die wegraping geskied voor die Groot Verdrukking. (2 Thess. 2:6-7, Op. 4)
Jesus se wederkoms geskied na die Groot Verdrukking. (Matt. 24 21-22, 29-30)
Die wegraping sal slieklik en in 'n oogwink wees. (1 Kor. 15:52, 1Thess. 4:16-17, 1 Thess. 5:1-5)
Jesus se wederkoms na die aarde sal sigbaar wees vir almal. (2 Thess. 1:7-9, Matt. 24:30)
Die wegraping is uitsluitlik 'n Nuwe Testamentiese leerstelling. (1 Thess. 4:16-17)
Die wederkoms is 'n Ou testamentiese sowel as 'n Nuwe Testamentiese leerstlling. (Sag. 4:4-5, Op. 19:11 - 15)
Is die Wegraping (Op. 4:1-4) en die Sigbare Wederkoms van Jesus Christus (Op. 19:11 - 14) twee afsonderlike gebeure wat deur die 7 jaar Groot Verdrukking geskei word. (Op. 6:1 - 18:24)
Die Wegraping is die wederkoms van Jesus VIR sy Bruid
Jesus, as ons hemelse Bruidegom, kom onverwags soos 'n dief in die nag (1Thess. 5:2) om sy bruid te haal. Hy ontmoet haar in die lug en voer haar vinnig na die hemel toe om by Hom te wees. (1Thess. 4:16-17, Joh. 14:2-3)
Die sigbare Wederkoms is die sigbaarwording van Jesus MET sy Bruid
Jesus kom weer en word aan die hele wereld geopenbaar as die Regter en Koning (2 Thess. 1:7-9, Matt. 24:30). Hy word vergesel deur sy Bruid en ook sy hemelse leerskare (Op. 19:11 - 14) en kom tot op die Olyfberg.(Sag. 14:4-5)
Regte (C) 2011 Raymond D Lombard
ITISS Sel Groep,
My Facebook Community,
Openbaring 4 - Die Wegraping Deel 1- Is die Wegraping 'n bybelse leerstelling?
1Thess. 4:16-17 Want die Here self sal van die hemel neerdaal met ‘n geroep, met die stem van ‘n aartsengel en met geklank van die basuin van God; en die wat in Christus gesterf het, sal eerste opstaan. (17) Daarna sal ons wat in die lewe oorbly, saam met hulle in wolke weggevoer word die Here tegemoet in die lug; en so sal ons altyd by die Here wees.
Weggevoer; die verskillende vertalings
Grieks; harpazō; to seize (in various applications): - catch (away, up), pluck, pull, take (by force).
Latyns; rapimuir, from the verb rapio meaning "to catch up" or "take away".
Engels; Rapture is derived from Middle French rapture, via theMedieval Latin raptura ("seizure, rape, kidnapping"), which derives from the Latin raptus ("a carrying off").
Afrikaans; Weggevoer; is derived from the English Rapture, from which the Afrikaans wegraping is derived.
Weggevoer is ook soortgelyk vertaal as:
Joh. 10:12 vang
Matt. 13:19 roof
2Kor. 12:2 weggeruk
2Kor. 12:4 weggeruk
Hand. 8:39 weggevoer
Matt. 11:12 gryp
Joh. 6:15 gryp
Was die Wegraping 'n verborgenheid?
Vir iets om 'n verborgenheid te wees, moet dit in die Nuwe Testament geopenbaar word en nooit in die Ou Testament na verwys word nie.
1Kor. 15:51-53 Kyk, ek deel julle ‘n verborgenheid mee: Ons sal wel nie almal ontslaap nie, maar ons sal almal verander word, (52) in ‘n oomblik, in ‘n oogwink, by die laaste basuin; want die basuin sal weerklink, en die dode sal onverganklik opgewek word; en ons sal verander word. (53) Want hierdie verganklike moet met onverganklikheid beklee word, en hierdie sterflike moet met onsterflikheid beklee word.
Die verborgenheid van die Kerk is deur Paulus in die Nuwe Testament geopenbaar (Ef. 3:1-12)
Jesus, as ons hemelse Bruidegom, kom onverwags soos 'n dief in die nag (1Thess. 5:2) om sy bruid te haal (Christus se koms VIR sy Bruid i.e. parousia / physical presence). Hy ontmoet haar in die lug en voer haar vinnig weg na die hemel toe om by Hom te wees (1Thess. 4:16-17, Joh. 14:2-3)
Die inhoud van die verborgenheid van die wegraping is dat daar 'n hele geslag gelowiges gaan wees wat die ewigheid sal ingaan sonder om eers deur die poorte van die dood te gaan. Hulle sal nooit ontslaap nie. Dit is NOOIT in die Ou Testament geopenbaar nie.
Sal die Kerk die Groot Verdrukking beleef?
Paulus het nerens in die Nuwe testament enige aanduiding gegee dat die Kerk deur die Groot Verdrukking sou gaan. Inteendeel, Paulus het wel te kenne gegee dat die Kerk van die toekomstige toorn verlos sal wees.
1Thess. 1:10 en sy Seun uit die hemele te verwag, wat Hy uit die dode opgewek het, Jesus wat ons van die toekomstige toorn verlos.
1Thess. 5:9 Want God het ons nie bestem tot toorn nie, maar om die saligheid te verkry deur onse Here Jesus Christus
Die toorn is niks anders as die Groot Verdrukking (Matt. 24, 25 Luk. 21, Op. 6)
As die Kerk, die liggaam van Christus, die individuele gelowiges van alle nasies, belowe word dat hul van die troon verlos sal wees, dan is dit ook so dat die Kerk nie deur die Groot Verdrukking sal gaan nie.
Verwysing na die Kerk in die boek Openbaring
Enige verwysing na die Kerk i.e as die "gemeente" koms slegs voor in Hoofstukke 2 -3 (ook slegs een vers verwysing in Hoofstuk 22:16).
Daar is geen verwysing na die Kerk in Hoofstukke 6.1 - 18:24 i.e. die 7 jaar periode van die Groot Verdrukking. Inteendeel verskuif die fokus na Israel.
Daar is in die boek Openbaring dus 'n duidelike onderskeiding in die periodes and hantering van die Kerk en Israel.
1) Die Kerk (Op. 2-3)
2) Israel (Op. 6:1 - 18:24)
Regte (C) 2011 Raymond D Lombard
ITISS Sel Groep,
My Facebook Community,
Openbaring 2-3: Die 7 Gemeentes - Jy?
Ek ken JOU werke:
Onse Here Jesus ken elke gedagte en daad wat JY doen. Hy ken jou hart, jou getrouheid, of is dit ontrouheid tot Hom!!
Op 2:7 Wie (dit is JY) ‘n oor het, laat hom (JY) hoor wat die Gees aan die gemeentes (Jou) sê. Aan hom (JY) wat oorwin, sal Ek gee om te eet van die boom van die lewe wat binne in die paradys van God is. Verwys ook na "wat oorwin" in; Op 2:11 (Smirna), Op 2:17 (Pergamus), Op 2:26 (Thitire), Op 3:5 (Sardis), Op 3:12 (Filadelfia), Op 3:21 (Laodicense)
Vir almal wat dus oorwin, is daar HOOP!!
Op 12:10-11 Toe hoor ek ‘n groot stem in die hemel sê: Nou het die heil en die krag en die koningskap die eiendom van onse God geword, en die mag van sy Christus; want die aanklaer van ons broeders is neergewerp, hy wat hulle aanklaag voor onse God, dag en nag. (11) En hulle het hom oorwin deur die bloed van die Lam en deur die woord van hulle getuienis, en hulle het tot die dood toe hulle lewe nie liefgehad nie.
Deur die bloed van die Lam?
Om te oorwin deur die bloed van die Lam in om; te GLO dat jy gered is, eens en vir altyd!!!!
Maar hoe, wonder jy?
Deur die "Woord verkondig as die evangelie (1Pe 1:25 & 1Kor 15:1-4)
Deur die "Woord wat bly tot in ewigheid" (1Pe 1:25)
GLO "dat jy wedergebore is, uit onverganklike saad , deur die Woord wat bly tot in ewigheid" (1Pe 1:23 & 25).
GLO in die Seun van GOD!(1Jn 3:8)
GLO dat jy deelagtig geword het van die natuur van GOD!!(1Jn 3:9)
GLO dat jy uit GOD gebore is omdat sy onverganklike saad in jou is. (1Jn 3:9)
GLO dat jou Goddelike natuur (saad van GOD) nie kan sondig nie. (1Jn 3:9)
GLO dat jy die Heilige Gees ontvang het. (1Co 6:19)
GLO dat jy 'n kind van GOD is. (Gal 4:6)
Wat is jou woord van getuienis?
Altyd; verkondig die evangelie; (1) dat Christus vir ons sondes gesterf het volgens die skrifte; en (2) Christus het gesterwe, en (3) Christus is opgewek op die derde dag volgens die Skrifte (1Co 15:1-4)
'n persoonlike siening?
Efese - Het jy jou geestelike groei en dedikasie vir Jesus verloor? (Op 2:4)
Het jy kennis en die nodige geestelike onderskeiding om valse lering te identifiserr? (Op 2:6)
Smirna - Is jy geheilig, nie van die werled nie? (Op 2:9)
Pergamus - Bevorder jy ongeloof in God, in Jesus? (Op 2:14)
Het jy kennis en die nodige geestelike onderskeiding om valse lering te identifiserr? (Op 2:15)
Tiatire - Bevorder of neem jy deel aan Afgode aanbidding? (Op 2:20)
Sardis - Is jy geestelik dood? (Op 3:1)
Philadelfia - Is jy met die Heilige Gees vervul? (Op 3:8)
Laodisense -Is jy waarlike wedergebore?(Op 3:8)
Wat is die algemene boodskap?
2Pe 3:17-18 Noudat julle dit dan vooruit weet, geliefdes, moet julle op jul hoede wees dat julle nie miskien meegesleep word deur die dwaling van sedelose mense en wegval uit jul eie vastigheid nie. (18) Maar julle moet toeneem in die genade en kennis van onse Here en Saligmaker, Jesus Christus. Aan Hom kom die heerlikheid toe, nou sowel as in die dag van die ewigheid. Amen.
Rights (C) 2011 Raymond D Lombard
Openbaring 2-3: Die 7 Kerke - Opgesom
Ek ken jou werke:
Op 1:20 Die verborgenheid van die sewe sterre wat jy in my regterhand gesien het, en die sewe goue kandelaars: die sewe sterre is die engele van die sewe gemeentes, en die sewe kandelaars wat jy gesien het, is die sewe gemeentes.
Die 7 kerke, of kandelare, weergee lig, waarheid en insig in die wereled (is die getuies van Jesus). Jesus is midde-in die gemeentes, en as Hoe Priester, versorg Hy die kandelare. Jesus is dus teenwoordig in die kerk vandag, om soedoende Sy wil en Sy weg te bevorder. Jesus lig elke gemeente se unieke probleem uit en gee dan aanbevelings hoe dit opgelos kan word.
Efese (Op 2: 1 -7) - Op 2:4 Maar Ek het teen jou dat jy jou eerste liefde verlaat het....
Efese, jy het nie meer daardie vuur in jou wat jy voorheen gehad het nie. Daardie eerste liefde wat jy vir My gehad het, is nie meer daar nie, is nie meer vir jou van belang nie. Jou passie vir My, jou geestelike karakter en hartstog vir My is nie meer vir jou die belangrikste in jou lewe nie. Onthou dus jou eerste liefde ( passie vir My) , bekeer jou ( verander jou gedagtes en optredes ) en doen weer jou eerste werke ( wy jouself weer tot My). Doen dit, of Ek verwyder jou kandelaar ( Jy sal nie meer die lig, waarheid en insig vir die wereld meer wees nie).
Smirna (Op 2: 8-11) - Op 2:10 Vrees vir niks wat jy sal ly nie. Kyk, die duiwel gaan sommige van julle in die gevangenis werp, sodat julle op die proef gestel kan word; en julle sal tien dae lank verdrukking hê. Wees getrou tot die dood toe, en Ek sal jou die kroon van die lewe gee.
Smirna, Ek ken jou werke, jou verdrukking en armoede. Moenie bevrees wees oor enige van die dinge wat jou gaan oorkom nie. Wees getrou tot die dood toe, en Ek belowe jou, My martelare, dat julle nooit weg van die aangesig van God sal wees nie. Jy sal ontvang die kroon van die lewe, dit is; die martelaarskroon vir diegene wat bereid was om hul lewe vir vir Jesus Christus af te le.
Pergamus (Op 2:12 -17) Op 2:14-15 Maar Ek het enkele dinge teen jou: dat jy daar mense het wat vashou aan die leer van Bíleam wat Balak geleer het om ‘n struikelblok voor die kinders van Israel te werp, naamlik om afgodsoffers te eet en te hoereer. (15) So het jy ook mense wat vashou aan die leer van die Nikolaïete, wat Ek haat.
Pergamus, jy leer ontrouheid aan God (leer van Bileam) en Ek haat enige valse lering (leer van die Nikolaiete). Bekeer jou of my oordeel jal jou ongehoorsaanheid volg.
Thiatire (Op 2:18-29) Op 2:20 Maar Ek het enkele dinge teen jou; dat jy die vrou Isébel, wat haarself ‘n profetes noem, toelaat om te leer en my diensknegte te verlei om te hoereer en afgodsoffers te eet.
Tiatire, Ek weet van alles, Ek is die een wat die gedagtes en hart ondersoek. Sommige van julle het toegelaat en ook aanvaar valse lering tot op die punt van aanvaarding van sondes (leer van Isebel ). Jy glo jy aanbid God, maar jy is inderdaad besig met aanbidding van beelde. As jy jou nie bekeer nie, sal jy gestraf word. Diegene wat nie aan die leer toegegee het nie, wees getrou aan My waarheid en jy sal nie verder belas word nie.
Sardis (Op 3:1 - 6) Op 3:2 Wees wakker en versterk die wat oorbly, wat op die punt staan om te sterwe, want Ek het jou werke nie volkome voor God gevind nie.
Sardis, jy is oorgegee aan rituele en vorms en het 'n kleed van godsaligheid, maar jy is geestelik dood. Ek roep jou om jou uit jou geestelike slaap wakker te word. Onthou wat jy ontvang en gehoor het en bekeer jou. Ek wil nie onverwags julle afkom nie. Herlewe, reining en heilig jouself om gereed te wees.
Filadelfia (Op 3:7 - 13) Op 3:8 Ek ken jou werke. Kyk, Ek het voor jou ‘n geopende deur gegee, en niemand kan dit sluit nie, want jy het min krag en jy het my woord bewaar en my Naam nie verloën nie.
Filadelfia, jy is geestlik lewenskragtig en Ek gee aan jou 'n geopende deur om verlossing te verkondig. Ek sal jou bewaar van alle toekomstige beproewinge.
Laodicense (Op 3:14- 22) Op 3:16 Maar nou, omdat jy lou is en nie koud of warm nie, sal Ek jou uit my mond spuug.
Laodecense, jy is selfgenoegd en trots (geestelik lou ) en ook onbewus van jou ware toestand. Jy het 'n wereldsgesind en 'n materalistiese gemeente geword waarin die regte en heerskappy van mense bo die heerskappy van God gestel is. Jy word geidentifiseer deur die ingesteldheid en wil van die mens en nie deur die wil en siening van God nie. Ek wil he jy moet My uitnodiging aanvaar sodat ek weer met jou gemeenskap kan he. Ek staan buite die deur en Ek klop, soekend na die geleentheid om in te kom. Bekeer, en enigeen wat die deur oopmaak, sal Ek mee saam maaltyd hou.
Op 3:22 Wie ‘n oor het, laat hom hoor wat die Gees aan die gemeentes sê.
Regte (C) 2011 Raymond D Lombard
Openbaring 2-3: Die 7 Gemeentes - Intro
Hoekom spesifiek die 7 gemeentes van Asie?
Efese; Die teruggevalle gemeente (70AD - 170AD)
Smirna; Die verdrukte gemeente (170Ad - 312AD)
Pergamus; Die losbandige gemeente (312AD - 606AD)
Thiatire; Die gemeente wat verslap het (606AD - 1520AD)
Sardis; Die dooie gemeente (1520AD - 1755AD)
Filadelfia; Broederliefde gemeente (1755AD - 1900AD)
Laodicense; Die materialistiese gemeente (1900AD - Date)
Wat vir die gemeentes gese is, het God ook progressief gese vir all die gemeentes tot datum. Die karaktertrekke en omstandighede uitgewys deur Jesus het dus hulself herhaal in die gemeentes deur die eeue heen tot vandag toe.
Openbaring is inderdaad van 'n profetiese aard en as sulks is die profetiese toekoms van die kerk deurlopend geopenbaar. Wat dus gese is van die 7 gemeentes is progressief die afgelope 2000 jaar vervul en sal ook so aanhou om vervul te word tot en met die wederkoms van Jesus Christus.
Die Here se gemeentes is Sy lig draers (kandelare) van hierdie openbaring is is as sulks die getuies van Jesus Christus.
Wat geopenbaar is raak die fisiese kerk eerder dan die geestelike (onsienlike) kerk wat die ligaam van Christus is en wat bestaan uit slegs gelowiges. Die fisiese (sigbare) kerk bestaan uit beide gelowiges en ongelowiges.
Eph 5:23 Want die man is die hoof van die vrou, soos Christus ook Hoof is van die gemeente; en Hy is die Verlosser van die liggaam.
Regte (C) 2011 Raymond D Lombard
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