Psa 25:4-5 Make your ways known to me, O LORD, and teach me your paths. (5) Lead me in your truth and teach me because you are God, my savior. I wait all day long for you.
Mat 10:5-7 Jesus sent these twelve out with the following instructions: "Don't go among people who are not Jewish or into any Samaritan city. (6) Instead, go to the lost sheep of the nation of Israel.
Act 1:6-8 So when the apostles came together, they asked him, "Lord, is this the time when you're going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" (7) Jesus told them, "You don't need to know about times or periods that the Father has determined by his own authority. (8) But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes to you. Then you will be my witnesses to testify about me in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
Above is two instances wherein Jesus instructed his disciples to be a witness of himself;
Firstly; before his crucifixion then the "kingdom of heaven that is near" and to the "lost sheep of the nation of Israel" and
Secondly; after his resurrection then as "my witnesses to testify of me" the ends of the all i.e Jews and Gentiles, and
Today it is us (Jews and Gentiles), being disciples of Jesus Christ, still commanded to be a witness, to testify of the ends of the world.
To believe has consequences and Jesus also made some statements to his disciples that need further attention.
Because of faith in me (Jesus)...remaining faithful;
Mat 10:16-18 "I'm sending you out like sheep among wolves. So be as cunning as snakes but as innocent as doves. (17) Watch out for people who will hand you over to the Jewish courts and whip you in their synagogues. (18) Because of me you will even be brought in front of governors and kings to testify to them and to everyone in the world.
Because we believe, because we proclaim Jesus, ...because of Me...we will and can expect to be laughed at, insulted, be persecuted, be rejected etc....However, know that Jesus also said; Mat 5:11 "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, lie, and say all kinds of evil things about you because of me.
Because you are committed to me (Jesus)...remaining faithful;
Mat 10:22 Everyone will hate you because you are committed to me. But the person who patiently endures to the end will be saved.
It is a fact that not all people are as exited about Jesus as we are! We can therefore expect to be attacked in anyway possible because we are committed to Him. Jesus warns us that this will happen, so remain prepared and know that by enduring we will be saved, irrespective anything that happens to us.
Because you acknowledge me (Jesus)....being loyal;
Mat 10:30-32 Every hair on your head has been counted. (31) Don't be afraid! You are worth more than many sparrows. (32) "So I will acknowledge in front of my Father in heaven that person who acknowledges me in front of others.
What a promise!!! Be filled with the Holy Spirt and never stop listening to the Holy Spirit. It's only by and throught the Holy Spirit that we have a testimony to share. It's through faith in Jesus that we are able to acknowledge Him. Do it every day! 1Co 12:3 So I want you to know that no one speaking by God's Spirit says, "Jesus is cursed." No one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit.
Father God, in and through Jesus Christ, and by and through the Holy Sprit, keep us loyal and faithful to our only hope and foundation in life today...Jesus Christ. In your wonderful and Holy name we pray this Jesus Christ. Amen & Amen
Gal 2:16 Yet, we know that people don't receive God's approval because of their own efforts to live according to a set of standards, but only by believing in Jesus Christ. So we also believed in Jesus Christ in order to receive God's approval by faith in Christ and not because of our own efforts. People won't receive God's approval because of their own efforts to live according to a set of standards.
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