Friday, 9 April 2010

Professional Inspirations #12: Christ and our purpose

Psa 25:4-5 Make your ways known to me, O LORD, and teach me your paths. (5) Lead me in your truth and teach me because you are God, my savior. I wait all day long for you.


Psa 37:5 Entrust your ways to the LORD. Trust him, and he will act on your behalf.

Pro 16:1-7 GW The plans of the heart belong to humans, but an answer on the tongue comes from the LORD.
(2) A person thinks all his ways are pure, but the LORD weighs motives.
(3) Entrust your efforts to the LORD, and your plans will succeed.
(4) The LORD has made everything for his own purpose, even wicked people for the day of trouble.
(5) Everyone with a conceited heart is disgusting to the LORD. Certainly, such a person will not go unpunished.
(6) By mercy and faithfulness, peace is made with the LORD. By the fear of the LORD, evil is avoided.
(7) When a person's ways are pleasing to the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

Can we really plan our own purpose in life? If the LORD made all for his own purpose, even wicked people, then we will need to realize that we must entrust our efforts to the Lord. Then indeed, as the LORD is righteous, then our plans will succeed....if it is according to His will.

Does this purpose include pain and suffering?.....By fear of the Lord, evil is avoided........all we need to do is to be faithful in trusting the Lord.

What better example than Jesus Christ?

1Pe 2:23 When he (Jesus Christ) was insulted, he did not retaliate. When he suffered, he did not threaten but made it his habit to commit the matter to the one who judges fairly.

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
Prov 16:1 The renewing grace of God alone prepares the heart for every good work. This teaches us that we are not sufficient of ourselves to think or speak any thing wise and good. 2. Ignorance, pride, and self-flattery render us partial judges respecting our own conduct. 3. Roll the burden of thy care upon God, and leave it with him, by faith and dependence on him.

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