Psa 25:4-5 Make your ways known to me, O LORD, and teach me your paths. (5) Lead me in your truth and teach me because you are God, my savior. I wait all day long for you.
Carpe Diem - seize the weekend and glorify Jesus!! Be joyfull!!!!
Have a blessed weekend
Jesus explains that there is a thief in our midst who works hard to obscure and impede the only real path to an abundant, meaningful life. He said, "A thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I came so that my sheep will have life and so that they will have everything they need. " (Joh 10:10 )
Indeed, God is our real employer because ultimately, He provides all of our needs. God told the ancient Israelites in Deuteronomy 8:18, "But remember the LORD your God is the one who makes you wealthy. .."
If we are working for God, we can bring an attitude of enthusiasm and cheer to our workplace even if we have a supervisor or fellow workers who are difficult to work with (1 Peter 2:18-19).
When work becomes boring, then our inspiration and joy in working disappears and we most certainly become negative i.e. are you stressed out? Refer this survey;,29558.asp
Maybe we dont give ourselves enough time to rest, to relax, spend time with the family or to take vacation?
Just maybe we are not putting Christ first in our lives?
To follow Jesus is to put Him first, to put him in that very centre part of our lives, and too often, we don’t really give Jesus that spot.
This is not to say we don’t love Him or we don’t honour Him, but it’s just that we often put other things first i.e relationships, career plans, money, our basic primary needs. It is often those things that occupy our hearts! Mat 6:21 Your heart will be where your treasure is.
Ecc 2:24-26 GW There is nothing better for people to do than to eat, drink, and find satisfaction in their work. I saw that even this comes from the hand of God. (25) Who can eat or enjoy themselves without God? (26) God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy to anyone who pleases him.....
Holy Spirit, You are the Spirit of Truth. Remind us to live, work, to do what we do for Jesus Christ. Lead us to live Jesus Christ as our first priority in life. Thank you Lord GOD, for knowing that You will then give us joy; joy in spirit, joy in work, joy in life. In Jesus name we pray this. Amen
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