We have thus the promise of His return, the comfort and hope of the Churches. The book Revelations also closes with theme (Rev 22:20).
- things that will happen up to the visible coming of Jesus Christ,
- things that will happen during his coming, and
- things that will happen after his coming.
Rev 1:19 Therefore, write down what you have seen, what is, and what is going to happen after these things.
- Seven seals
- Seven trumpets
- Seven plagues
- Seven bowls
- Seven new things
Other than this, there are several parenthetical insertion within Revelations that breaks the sequence of the above ranges of judgements to supply more information and/or detail.
- Introduction and greetings (Rev 1: 1-8)
- The things that John had seen (Rev 1:9-20)
- The things what is (Rev 2-3)
- The things that is going to happen (Rev 6:1 - 18.24)
- The coming of Jesus Christ (Rev 19:1 - Rev 20:3)
- The Messianic kingdom (Rev 20:4 - Rev 20:15)
- The new and eternal order (Rev 21:1 - Rev 22:9)
- Promises and last warnings (Rev 22: 10 - Rev 22:21)
There is no reason to view Revelations as non-chronological as within Revelations there is no indication read as to why it is not chronological. In fact we read in several instances "After these things...." (Rev 4:1; 7:1,9; 18:1; 19:1).
Rights (C) 2011 Raymond D Lombard
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