Hi all,
In compiling this Power Card, I came to the realization , once again, how mighty GOD really is.
Joh 1:1 In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Joh 1:14 The Word became human and lived among us. We saw his glory. It was the glory that the Father shares with his only Son, a glory full of kindness and truth.
What a awesome CV of Jesus Christ, the "Word that became human"!!!
Positive Power Card; The biggest mistake you can ever make is to be afraid of making one
I have read the the Gospels i.e Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I have also read a bible romance written by Jaco Thom i.e. "Jesus; a romance of the life of Jesus"
If you believe the bible which is in any event inspired by GOD i.e.
2Ti 3:16 Every Scripture passage is inspired by God. All of them are useful for teaching, pointing out errors, correcting people, and training them for a life that has God's approval.
If you the believe in what you read i.e
Mat 8:3 Jesus reached out, touched him, and said, "I'm willing. So be clean!" Immediately, his skin disease went away, and he was clean.
Mat 8:13 Jesus told the officer, "Go! What you believed will be done for you." And at that moment the servant was healed.
Mat 8:15 Jesus touched her hand, and the fever went away. So she got up and prepared a meal for him.
Mat 8:26 Jesus said to them, "Why do you cowards have so little faith?" Then he got up, gave an order to the wind and the sea, and the sea became very calm.
Mat 8:32 Jesus said to them, "Go!" The demons came out and went into the pigs. Suddenly, the whole herd rushed down the cliff into the sea and died in the water.
Mat 9:2 Some people brought him a paralyzed man on a stretcher. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the man, "Cheer up, friend! Your sins are forgiven."
Mat 9:20-23 GW
(20) Then a woman came up behind Jesus and touched the edge of his clothes. She had been suffering from chronic bleeding for twelve years.
(21) She thought, "If I only touch his clothes, I'll get well."
(22) When Jesus turned and saw her he said, "Cheer up, daughter! Your faith has made you well." At that very moment the woman became well.
(23) Jesus came to the synagogue leader's house. He saw flute players and a noisy crowd.
Mat 9:24-25 GW
(24) He said to them, "Leave! The girl is not dead. She's sleeping." But they laughed at him.
(25) When the crowd had been put outside, Jesus went in, took her hand, and the girl came back to life.
Mat 9:28-29 GW
(28) Jesus went into a house, and the blind men followed him. He said to them, "Do you believe that I can do this?" "Yes, Lord," they answered.
(29) He touched their eyes and said, "What you have believed will be done for you!"
Mat 9:32-33 GW
(32) As they were leaving, some people brought a man to Jesus. The man was unable to talk because he was possessed by a demon.
(33) But as soon as the demon was forced out, the man began to speak. The crowds were amazed and said, "We have never seen anything like this in Israel!"
Mat 9:35 Jesus went to all the towns and villages. He taught in the synagogues and spread the Good News of the kingdom. He also cured every disease and sickness.
Mat 10:1 Jesus called his twelve disciples and gave them authority to force evil spirits out of people and to cure every disease and sickness.
Mat 14:14 When Jesus got out of the boat, he saw a large crowd. He felt sorry for them and cured their sick people.
Mat 14:29 Jesus said, "Come!" So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus.
Mat 15:34-37 GW
(34) Jesus asked them, "How many loaves of bread do you have?" They answered, "Seven, and a few small fish."
(35) He ordered the crowd to sit down on the ground.
(36) He took the seven loaves and the fish and gave thanks to God. Then he broke the bread and gave it to the disciples, and they gave the bread and fish to the people.
(37) All of them ate as much as they wanted. The disciples picked up the leftover pieces and filled seven large baskets.
Mat 17:2-3 GW
(2) Jesus' appearance changed in front of them. His face became as bright as the sun and his clothes as white as light.
(3) Suddenly, Moses and Elijah appeared to them and were talking with Jesus.
Mat 17:18 Jesus ordered the demon to come out of the boy. At that moment the boy was cured.
Then.................do not ever make the mistake of;
not choosing a live of faith
not choosing to announce the Good News
not choosing to pray
not choosing to persevere in faith
Psa 53:1-2 GW
(1) For the choir director; according to mahalath, a maskil by David. Godless fools say in their hearts, "There is no God." They are corrupt. They do disgusting things. There is no one who does good things.
(2) God looks down from heaven on Adam's descendants to see if there is anyone who acts wisely, if there is anyone who seeks help from God.
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