Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Watter Christene sal weggeraap word, and wie bly agter?

Is jy gered? Het jy die Heilige Gees ontvang? Is jy verseel deur die Heilige Gees? Is jy 'n waarlik WEDERGEBORE Christen? Is jy 'n kind van GOD? Behoort jy aan GOD?

Ja?......dan sal jy weggeraap word.

Luister wat Raymond Lombard te se gehad het tov die volgende;

Is jy gered?
Woon die Heilige Gees in jou?
Is jy 'n kind van God?
Behoort jy aan God?
Is jy waaragtig wedergebore?

As jy die Heilige Gees in jou het, dan behoort jy aan God! Sal sal dan weggeraap word an die hemel, nieteenstaande jou vlak van heiligheid!

Sal jy skade lei?
Waar sal jy skade lei?
Watter skade sal jy lei?

As jy weggeraap is, gaan jy na die hemel, en in die hemel sal jy skade lei!

Het die skepping 'n hirargie?
Het Engele 'n hirargie?
Het die bose magte 'n hirargie?
Het die mensdom 'n hirargie?
Het die Koninkryk van God 'n hirargie?

Jy sal skade lei in die hemel, in die koninkryk van God!

Is jy in Christus?

As jy in Christus is, sal jy na die hemel weggeraap word, nie teenstaande jou vlak van heiligheid!

Kan jy afvallig word?
Kan jy jou saligheid verloor?
Is jy waaragtig wedergebore?
Het jy die Heilige Gees as deposito in jou hart?
Is jy verseel deur die Heilige Gees?

As jy waaragtig wedergebore is en verseel is deur die Heilige Gees, dan is jy 'n kind van God en jy sal weggeraap word na die hemel, nie teenstaande jou vlak van heiligheid!

Wat gebeur na die wegraping?
Kan mense tot redding kom na die wegraping?
Wie is die Bok nasies?
Wie is die Skaap nasies?
Wie is deel van die na-oes?
Is die 666 figuurlik of fisies?
Sal mense tot redding kom gedurende die 1000 jaar Vrederyk?
Wat is die doel van die 1000 jaar Vrederyk?
Wie is die Martelare?

Miljoene mense sal na die wegraping Jesus aanneem, maar meeste van hulle sal sterf vir hul geloof (besluit om nie die teken van die dier - die 666 aan te neem). Hierdie mense is die Martelare!

Is daar 'n "tweede kans" na die wegraping om Jesus aan te neem?
Hoeveel kanse het 'n mens?
Tot wanneer sal jy 'n kans kry?

Daar is so iets soos 'n tweede kans nie. man en vrou nl. alle mense, is bestem om eem maal te sterwe. Elke persoon het dus een kans, enige tyd tot sy dood!!!! (kan na die wegraping, gedurende die wegraping en selfs ook gedurende die 1000 jaar Vrederyk wees).

Wat beteken anitchris?
Wat is die gees van die antichris?
Wie is die persoon; die Antichris?
Hoe sal jy 'n antichris gees uitken?
Wat gebeur as jy Jesus aanneem?
Sal jy vervolg word as gevolg van die naam van Jesus?
Kan jy gered word, anders as deur die naam van Jesus?

Daar is geen ander wyse om gered te word, dan deur die naam van Jesus! En enige aksie of geloof teen die dood en opstanding van Jesus, en redding deur Jesus, is 'n antichris gees wat uiteindelik sal vergestald in die persoon; die Antichris.

Waar is die domein van Satan?
Waar woon Satan vandag?
Kan Satan vandag Christine vervolg?
Wat is Satan se toekoms?

Satan is oppad na die Hel!!!!

Wie was Lucifer (Satan)?
Hoekom was Lucifer verban uit die Hemel?
Wat was Lucifer se rol in die val van Adam en Eva?
Wanner het die val van Lucifer gebeur?
Hoeveel Engele het Lucifer gevolg?
Hoe magtig is Lucifer?
Hoe moet jy Lucifer aanspreek?
Wie was die seuns van God?
Kan Satan nog in die Hemel voorkom?
Kan Satan jou vandag vir jou sondes aankla?
Hoe gereeld moet jy jou sondes belei?
Wanneer sal Satan sy reg om aan te kla verloor?

Satan moet nooit onderskat word nie. Hy is magtig!!!

Wanneer jy sterf, hoe sal jy veroordeel word?
Gaan jy hemel toe of hel toe?
Wanneer gebeur jou oordeel?
Wat gebeur met jou gees en jou liggaam?
Wanneer ontvang jy jou verheerlikde liggaam?
Watter liggaam gaan jy in die hemel ontvang?
Wat is die verskil tussen tydelike ne verheerlikde liggame?
Sal jy (en kinders) gelyk in liggaam en ouderdom van Jesus wees?
Wat gebeur met 'n ongeredde na sy dood?
Sal ongereddes 'n verheerlikde liggaam ontvang?
Wat gebeur met 'n ongeredde se gees en liggaam?

Heb 9:27 En net soos die mense bestem is om een maal te sterwe en daarna die oordeel,

What Christians will be raptured, and who will be left behind?

Are you saved? Does the Holy Spirit dwell in you? Are you sealed by the Holy Spirit? Are you a truley REBORNE Christian? Are you a Child of GOD? Do you belong to God?

Yes?......then you will be raptured.

Listen to what Raymond Lombard has to say in in regard to the following (refer summary of the answers hereunder)

UNFORTUANATELY; Voice is in Afrikaans, script in English

Are you saved?
Does the Holy Spirit dwell in you?
Are you a child of God?
Do you belong to God?
Are you truly reborne?

If you have in you the Holy Spirit, then you belong to God!. You will be raptured and go to heaven, notwithstanding your level of devotion!

Will you suffer loss?
Where will you suffer loss?
What loss may you suffer?

If you are raptured, you will go to heaven, and in heaven you will suffer loss!

Does creation have a hierarchy?
Does Angles have a hierarchy?
Does Evil Spiritual Forces have a hierarchy?
Does Eartly Nations have a hierarchy?
Does the Kingdom of God have a hierarchy?

You will suffer loss in heaven, in the Kingdom of God!!!

Are you in Christ?

If you are in Christ, you will be raptured and go to heaven, notwithstanding your level of devotion!

Can you forsake, abandon your believe?
Can you fall out of grace?
Are you truly reborn?
Do you have the Holy Spirit as deposit in your heart?
Are you sealed by the Holy Spirit?

If you are truly reborne and is sealed by the Holy Spirit, then you are a child of God, and you will be raptured and go to heaven, notwithstanding your level of holiness!

What happens after the rapture?
Will people be saved after the rapture?
Who are the goat nations?
Who are the sheep nations?
Who will be part of the gleanings? ( collections bit by bit)
Is the 666 figuratively or physical?
Will people be saved during the 1000 years of Peace?
What is the purpose of the 1000 years of Peace?
Who are the Martyrs?

Millions of people will accept Jesus after the rapture, but most will have to die for their faith (decide not to accept the mark of beast - the 666) These people will be Martyrs.

Is there a "second chance" after the rapture to accept Jesus?
How many chances do you have?
Till when will you have your chance?

There is not really such a thing as a second chance. Man and woman i.e. all people, are destined to die once. Every person thus has one chance, any time before your death!!! (could be after the rapture, during the rapture and even during the 1000 years of Peace).

What does antichrist mean?
What is the spirit of the antichrist?
Who is the person; Antichrist?
How would you know an antichrist spirit?
What happens if you confess Jesus?
Will you be pursued because of the Name of Jesus?
Can you be saved, other than by the name of Jesus?

There is no other way to be saved , other than by the name of Jesus! and any action or belief against the death and resurrection of Jesus, and salvation only through Jesus, is an antichrist spirit which spirit will eventually realize in the person; Antichrist

What is the domain of Satan?
Where is Satan's residence today?
Does the Satan persecute a Christian today?
What is Satan's future?

Satan is on his way to Hell!!!!

Who was Lucifer (Satan)?
Why was Lucifer exiled from Heaven?
What was Lucifer's role in the fall of Adam and Eve?
When did the fall of Lucifer happen?
How many Angels followed Lucifer?
How mighty is Lucifer?
How must you address Satan?
Who was the Sons of GOD?
Can Satan still appear in Heaven?
Can Satan persecute you for your sins today?
How regular should you confess your sins?
When will Satan lose its power to persecute?

Satan must never be underestimated. He is most powerful!!!

When you die, how will you be judged?
Do you go to heaven or hell?
When does judgment happen?
What happens to your spirit and body?
When will you receive your glorified bodies?
What bodies will people have in Heaven?
What is the difference between temporary and glorified bodies?
Will you (and children ) be equal to Jesus in body and age?
What happens to unsaved persons after death?
Will unsaved persons receive glorified bodies?
What happens to a unsaved persons spirit and body?

Heb 9:27 And as it is appointed to men once to die, but after this the judgment,