Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Halleluja - Loof die Here

Vandag HERE, seen asb ryklik die lesers hiervan, vermeeder hul grondgebied , geestelik, sowel as werelds.

Gee dat U hand met hul sal wees.

Sal U asseblief alle onheil afweer, sodat geen smart hul sal tref nie!

Dit Here is my gebed vir die leser, hul naastes, hul families, hul vriende en ja, selfs hul vyande.

In en deur die wonderbare naam Jesus Christus

Ons Saligmaker.


Hallelujah - Praise the LORD

Today Lord God, please bless the reader, increase their borders, spiritually, as well as in this world.

Let Your hand be with them.

Keep then away from all evil, so that they may not grieved. 

Lord God, this is my prayer for the reader, their neighbors, their families, their friends and, yes, even their enemies.

In and by the wonderful name of Jesus Christ

Our Saviour.
