Thursday, 13 May 2010

Today - Acension

What more to say?

As Believers we should just take the time to reflect on what Jesus did and whom He is.

Joh 17:24 "Father, I want those you have given to me to be with me, to be where I am. I want them to see my glory, which you gave me because you loved me before the world was made.

Do you believe that God the Father, God the Son & God the Spirit is indeed one? Most of John 17 gives to a good idea that They are. In any event, as Believers , we should believe in faith, by disclosure of the Living Word, that it is indeed true.

More in interesting is verse 24 ( stated above). Jesus, Son of GOD existed even before the word was made, and Jesus soke the word according to Gen 1:3 Then God said, "Let there be light!" So there was light.

Have you stopped to think, to imagine to plan, direct and offer your own son (child)? Are you an Abraham, prepared by faith to offer Isaac (your child)?

Care to pray with me?

Thank you God, that you care, that you have planned and know what you intend with me and my life, that the hairs on my head are counted. Holy Holy Holy God Father you are!!!! Thank you God for becoming man, being Jesus Christ, being the Son of God. Thank you Lord Jesus, thank you for your obedience and thank you for your blood. You are King above all Kings , you are my Redeemer, you are my High Priest! I love you!! Amen & Amen

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Professional Inspirations #20: Plan together with GOD

Psa 25:4-5 Make your ways known to me, O LORD, and teach me your paths. (5) Lead me in your truth and teach me because you are God, my savior. I wait all day long for you.


Joh 16:33 I've told you this so that my peace will be with you. In the world you'll have trouble. But cheer up! I have overcome the world."

Joh 17:1-3 After saying this, Jesus looked up to heaven and said, "Father, the time is here. Give your Son glory so that your Son can give you glory. (2) After all, you've given him authority over all humanity so that he can give eternal life to all those you gave to him. (3) This is eternal life: to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you sent.

Tomorrow we are reminded once again of what GOD intended with each human being. We are privileged to have accepted Jesus Christ our Saviour; are privileged by the grace of GOD alone, to have received eternal life; to be called children of GOD; to be able to, through Jesus Christ, to look up to the heavens and interact with the one and only Holy Holy Holy GOD.

I Pray, by the authority of Jesus Christ, and in the name of Jesus Christ, that you experience , remember and glorify Jesus Christ in any way possible tomorrow. In His name, I ask Jesus to bless you with a renewed mind and will to continue, persist, seek and plan through Jesus Christ and according to GOD's will alone. Amen & Amen

2Co 12:9 But he (Jesus) told me (Paul / us): "My kindness is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak." So I will (let us) brag even more about my (our) weaknesses in order that Christ's power will live in me (us).

Monday, 10 May 2010

Professional Inspirations #19: A word for the Workaholic

Psa 25:4-5 Make your ways known to me, O LORD, and teach me your paths. (5) Lead me in your truth and teach me because you are God, my savior. I wait all day long for you.


Psa 127:2 It is useless to work hard for the food you eat by getting up early and going to bed late. The LORD gives food to those he loves while they sleep.

I had selected both the above Psalm 127: 2 and Mat 6:33, only to find them contained / referenced to in the undermentioned link. This is really really a good view to read....Please do.

The last paragraph of the conclusion drawn by Bob Deffinbaugh

"Finally, this Psalm (127) contains a principle which relates to those who may never have come to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. No matter how much you labor to earn a righteousness which you hope God will accept, your efforts will always be futile. Your works will never be acceptable to God. God has chosen to save men by His grace, not by their works. To be saved you must recognize yourself as a sinner, and your efforts to be righteous apart from God are worthless. You can be saved simply by resting in Him. He has sent His Son to be punished for your sins on Calvary. Jesus Christ is the One whose righteousness can be yours, simply by trusting in Him and receiving salvation as God’s gift of grace. In Him alone you will find the security which God gives for eternity."

Lord Father, in Jesus name, please awaken the Holy Spirit is us, command Him to talk to us, Command Him to awaken our Spiritual discernment in all we hear, do, intend and plan to do. Amen & Amen

Mat 6:33 But first, be concerned about his kingdom and what has his approval. Then all these things will be provided for you.

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Professional Inspirations #18: Job satisfaction & Work pride

Psa 25:4-5 Make your ways known to me, O LORD, and teach me your paths. (5) Lead me in your truth and teach me because you are God, my savior. I wait all day long for you.


Ecc 9:10 Whatever presents itself for you to do, do it with all your might, because there is no work, planning, knowledge, or skill in the grave where you're going.

Do you perhaps come to work, pulling yourselves out of bed, already dreading the traffic on your way to work, finding your work boring, disliking your boss, hating the priority list?

Have you ever questioned the reason for work and life?

Have you approached any week by perhaps thinking or having thought;
on Tuesday; "Tomorrow's Wednesday!!!!,
by Thursday; "Tomorrow's Friday!!!!!",
on Friday; "TGIF"....(thank god its Friday!!!").

Is work boring or is it joyful?
Are you satisfied or just here for the sake of income?
Do you hate your work, or do you take pride in what you are doing?

When we speak of God's grace, we mean all the good gifts we enjoy freely in life. There are so many but a more summary approach is to affirm that life itself is the fundamental gift, with all its delights. For us, the gift of life includes the wondrous gift of being human, finding ourselves plopped down in the midst of the larger gift of creation. That is the bedrock of grace—creation, life, human being.

Rom 12:1-2 Brothers and sisters, in view of all we have just shared about God's compassion, I encourage you to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, dedicated to God and pleasing to him. This kind of worship is appropriate for you. (2) Don't become like the people of this world. Instead, change the way you think. Then you will always be able to determine what God really wants-what is good, pleasing, and perfect.

So how to remain satisfied and proud at work?........Put Christ at the centre of your Life!!!!

Joh 16:33 I've told you this so that my peace will be with you. In the world you'll have trouble. But cheer up! I have overcome the world."