Thursday, 11 June 2009

If oppertunity does not knock, go out and build a door

Yesterday’s "Positive Power Pack" card;
If Opportunity does not knock, go out and build a door

This was an easy spiritual translation attempt. In Matthew 7 we are enlightened as to what things count with GOD. Specifically in verses 7 & 8 I found the synonyms that clearly highlighted a "spiritual power card"

Matthew 7:8 "Everyone who asks will receive. The one who searches will find, and for the one who knocks, the door will be opened"

If opportunity does not knock, then we are not asking

go out, then we are searching and will find(a door)

build a door, then we are knocking and the door will be opened.

This verse is all about praying. To pray and keep on praying requires dedication and in both Matthew 6:5-14 and Luke 11:2-4 Jesus gives us directives as how to pray. In Matthew 6: 6 is then to me all about intimacy with GOD;

Mattew 6:6 "When you pray, go to your room and close the door. Pray privately to your Father who is with you. Your Father sees what you do in private. He will reward you"

God has filled my mind with his grace, led me to repentance, led me on a journey into discovering Jesus, and shown me the real meaning of Jesus' crucification and my relation to GOD as a child of GOD. It is then not surprising that I find myself been filled with the will and dedication to spend time with HIM in prayer; to become intimate with GOD!

Intimacy includes the following (from Encarta);
Close personal relationship
A quiet and private atmosphere
A detailed knowledge resulting from close or long association
A private and personal utterance or action

What more can I say!


Eduardo said...

Hi Wieger,

It is amazing how much hope Mat 7:8gives us. The bottom line is that we need to make the choice to follow, to ask and to be available - He will then provide for all our needs - He will not forsake us.

Thank you for your messages as they encourage and bring light.

God Bless!

Fiona said...

Wieger dankie dat jy met ons die daaglikse 'power cards' deel.

Dit is regtig inspirerend!!

Ek vind dit regtig 'voedsaam' - dankie weereens!!
