Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Lets encourage each other ( for 2010 )

Heb 10:25 We should not stop gathering together with other believers, as some of you are doing. Instead, we must continue to encourage each other even more as we see the day of the Lord coming.

I really really believe that I was given the opportunity by GOD to share my passion fro the Living Word to you all in different ways. Certainly He has given me means and methods to put together a lot to share with you this year.

Heb 3:14 After all, we will remain Christ's partners only if we continue to hold on to our original confidence until the end. ....In God's mind we are never successful if we stop somewhere along the way. He wants us to finish our course and do it with joy! If you have been tempted recently to give up---dont! If you dont finish the thing you are currently involved in, you will face the same challenges in the next thing you start. Some people spend all their lives starting new things and never finishing anything. Let us make a decision that we will be more than people who never reached their full potential. excert from New Day New You by Joyce Meyer

I have read where the bible originated from..fascinating!.

Did you now that money is referenced to more than 2000 times within the bible? Money is important to GOD, not to us, but to HIM!..Talk about taking up the cross!

I have a passion to find out more of the Holy Spirit. How to grow in the Spirit, How we have received the Spirit, are filled with the Spirit, how we are baptized with the Spirit, how we experience the spirit during Pentecost etc ect. There is many many ways to experience the Spirit in our lives!!!

So lets do it!!!!

Please, please, please Lord GOD, make us willing to share the love of Jesus, make us aware of the power of your almighty self through the Holy Spirit during this year to the fullest. Amen.